GME Canada
The leading global environmental and technical company
About GME Canada

GME is an environment friendly company in North Vancouver, BC, Canada, striving for a bright and healthy future environment with our creativity and continuous development in technology. With every growing industrialization, there has been a massive increase in product consumption. The disposal of various waste matters has become one of the biggest social problems; these disposals often require an enormous budget.
The 1996 London Protocol was introduced to prevent marine pollution and control waste dumps. Since the burial of waste was prohibited, there has been a strong demand for a recycling system for natural resources. GME developed GME’s New Eco-Technology to prevent the secondary release of pollution by using 100% sludge. The New Eco-Technology also allows great profit through its sales, thereby starting a new era in environmental technology through environmental and economic means.
GME will do our best to become the leading global, environmental and technical company in the new and developing green industry.